40 Disappointment Quotes in Relationships

Disappointment Quotes in Relationships

Disappointment—whether it stems from shattered dreams, unmet expectations, or unexpected plot twists—happens to everyone. I think everyone understands grief, and the journey it takes us on, whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a disappointment. Some people don’t deal with it, the power of it. Some do. Some feel the weight of it and it informs their choices. See more ideas about wise words, me quotes, and inspirational words.

1. “There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. Martin Luther King Jr.”

2. “It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though you didn’t have something in the first place. I guess that’s what disappointment is – a sense of loss for something you never had. Deb Caletti ”

3. “Everything you do in life takes you higher. That is why a disappointment of having less than the best hurts like a fall.”

4. “Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.”

5. “Loving a person too much. ”

6. “Disappointment is an ominous cloud of self-doubt and fear which must be broken through at all costs.”

7. “Never get too attached to anyone Cause attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments ”

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8. “As I was fighting for you, I realized I was fighting to be lied to, fighting to be taken for granted, fighting to be disappointed, and fighting to be hurt again, so I started fighting to let go. ”

9. “Reminiscing the good times. ”

10. “I tried, you didn’t. I’m done, have fun. ”

11. “Don’t blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them ”

12. “Nobody likes being alone that much. I don’t go out of my way to make friends, that’s all. It just leads to disappointment.”

13. “I think everyone understands grief, the journey it takes us on, whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a disappointment. Some people don’t deal with it, the power of it. Some do. Some feel the weight of it and it informs their choices. I’ve had to open up to grief in different contexts.”

14. “Shielding your heart to love somebody. ”

15. “We can be disappointed with the world but it does us no good as the world will revolve despite us not moving.”

16. “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on. Alain de Botton ”

17. “Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead. Les brown ”

18. “Everybody has fallen down or been disappointed in love. Where you truly shine is when you get back up. Use it as a learning experience and believe in all of the possibilities. Sherry Argov ”

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19. “I’ve been disappointed so many times, not giving a fuck is almost a reflex. ”

20. “Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectation. ”

21. “Save the excuses. It’s not about ‘having time’ it’s about making time. If it matters, you will make time.”

22. “Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy – the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.”

23. “Disappointment is a quicksand of unreality which does not sink in until you have been sucked in.”

24. “No one gets tired of loving, they just get tired of waiting, apologizing, getting disappointed, and being hurt. ”

25. “Nothing to me is unexpected. No disappointment is unexpected – whether it’s movies or people or relationships. I’m always ready for the punch directly between the eyes. So I get hurt, but I never get hurt. Happens all the time.”

26. “Regret is a bedmate of disappointment and is a lethal combination.”

27. “Do not make a person wait for a decision. To wait forever is a more cruel fate than to be disappointed.”

28. “Don’t care for the expectations of others on yourself for their disappointment will unfairly weigh on you.”

29. “It may take little time to get where you want to be, but if you pause and think for a moment, you will notice that you are no longer where you were. Don’t stop keep going. Rodolfo Costa ”

30. “Getting disappointed is like becoming broke. You invested so much in something and end up with nothing for your troubles.”

31. “When presenting yourself to the world, always show confidence. People are more excited with the prospect of something curious than be turned off by a forecasted disappointment.”

32. “Trying to hide what you really feel. ”

33. “No matter how much in love you are, in the end, you are disappointed by either a flamed out affair or until death does you part.”

34. “Children will always be a disappointment for parents who are never satisfied even with themselves.”

35. “”It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though you didn’t have something in the first place. guess that’s I what disappointment is- a sense of loss for something you you never had. – Deb Caletti, The Nature of Jade ”

36. “There is no rush to acquire success. Do not be disappointed that you have not yet reached your potential.”

37. “The depth of the love of parents for their children cannot be measured. It is like no other relationship. It exceeds concern for life itself. The love of a parent for a child is continuous and transcends heartbreak and disappointment.”

38. “Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. Jane Austen ”

39. “Parents ought to teach children how to deal with disappointment and stress. I think the world would be better off full of dysfunctional happy people than those who become disruptive.”

40. “Sometimes, when something you dreamed of doesn’t happen, a sigh of relief is in order rather than disappointment.”

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