Prayer For Boyfriend: Prayer For Boyfriend: Prayers are always very powerful. It is something that you cannot live without if you want the best of everything. If you want to start Prayers are always very powerful. It is something that you cannot live without if you want the best of everything. If you want to start praying for your boyfriend, the short prayer for him messages and quotes below will come in handy. It is a way to communicate with God and to ask for guidance. When you pray each morning, you are setting the tone for your day.
Make your man know how much you love him and pray for his success. Not only is the wellness of your relationship paramount in our hearts, but your comfort in the place of prayer is also important to us, too. When you say a boyfriend prayer, you are sending him love and a special thought just for him. You are also telling him that you are thinking of him and that you want him to have a good day.
I pray for my boyfriend, knowing how he desires to have success in his job and business. We believe that in you we live, move, and have our being. So, Lord, I call in your never-ending favor and grace to reign in everything he owns. Thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers.
Prayer For My Boyfriend
♥–> “Heavenly Father, use my boyfriend to serve your purpose. He will not disregard God’s voice in his life. Let him be your faithful servant till the end. No one will take his crown of glory.”
♥–> “Father, let the spirit of contentment be upon my boyfriend. He shall live an exemplary life. He will be given the ability to touch and influence people’s lives.”
♥–> “Heavenly Father, let the impossible be made possible in the life of my boyfriend. Grant him victory from all sides.”
♥–> “As time passes, I pray that your blessings continue to be replenished daily until you have an overflow of blessings. May you be far too fortunate to be sad. My world, I heard you.”
♥–> “Every bad omen in your life will vanish into thin air. May God opens a new door for you, My Jewel, and whatever brings you sadness will never come your way.”
♥–> “May God keeps you safe all night, and I entrust your sleeping and waking hours to the most powerful God. May you have a fresh breath when you wake up in the morning. I’m in love with you.”
♥–> “May the heavenly Father command angels to bless you. May he place men in positions to meet your needs. May testimonies be your portion today and for the rest of your life.”
♥–> “As you go around today, may the songs of praise never depart from your lips. Your eyes shall see good, and your ears shall hear good news. You will not be burdened by sadness or depression. In Jesus’ name, you will live happily ever after.”
♥–> “I declare, my boyfriend shall get this job. This interview will favor him. The power and light of God will single him out for a breakthrough. He shall return home rejoicing and with a thankful heart. He’ll be given this job at the end.”
♥–> “Lord, it’s high time you brought the dreams and ambitions of my boyfriend to pass. Let his dream begin to come to fruition. Make his future bright. He shall fulfill his destiny by the grace of God.”
♥–> “Dear God, the love of my life shall never lose its loved ones. His family and friends are all covered with the blood of Jesus. He will only hear about the goodness of God in their lives.”
♥–> “Dear God, let my sweetheart find favour today. He shall win a great business contract that shall meet all his needs and beyond. Let him begin to sour even more. He will not suffer disappointment in the name of Jesus.”
♥–> “Whatever you put your hands on will be fruitful. May your success story be heard around the world. May you be blessed in an overabundance of ways. My King, you will never let me down.”
♥–> “My life goal for you is to smile for the rest of our lives together. I pray to God today that your joy knows no bounds and that everyone who comes into contact with you sees the hand of God at work in your life. My love for you, My King, knows no bounds.”
♥–> “May God open doors for you as you step out today and plan to start your business. Your business will prosper abundantly, and your achievements will be limitless. Amen to that.”
♥–> “I pray for you, and I know you’ll be fantastic in every way: physically, mentally, and intellectually. No evil will come your way, and may you be blessed in all aspects of your life. Amen to that.”
♥–> “May your eyes never cry, your ears never hear bitter words, and your lips never speak evil until you die. May you be always surrounded by sweetness, my world.”
♥–> “I pray that as you go out today, you will see God’s miracle in everything you touch. May you find blessings in everything you touch today. My king, you are blessed.”
♥–> “Everything you desire will be easily obtained, and I pray that you will never grumble before smiling. My King, may God pave the way for you. My sweetest, I pray for a miracle from God in your life.”
♥–> “My sweetest man, the one I truly love, I pray that God’s blessing will never leave you. I wish you nothing but greatness in your life.”
♥–> “I pray that whatever attachment you have to me does not bring you sadness. I pray that God will remove all obstacles from your path from now on until the end of time. My King, I will love you until the end of time.”
♥–> “The evil ones will never succeed in killing the dreams of my boyfriend. His expectations shall not be cut short in Jesus’ name.”
♥–> “Father, I ask for good health for my boyfriend. Make him full of energy and vigour. He shall not be bedridden again.”
♥–> “Let your love surround my boyfriend. Make him a beneficiary of your undying love at all times, in Jesus’ name.”
Prayer For A Boyfriend
♥–> “May your eyes never cry, your ears never hear bitter words, and your lips never speak evil until you die. May you always be surrounded by sweetness, my world.”
♥–> “God, thank you for keeping my boyfriend safe during the day. Please let him have a peaceful sleep so he has plenty of energy to do all that needs to be done tomorrow.”
♥–> “Dear God, please help my boyfriend be happy and have a great day. I ask you to send him many blessings. ”
♥–> “God, I pray that you soften my boyfriend’s heart towards me. Let him see how much I truly care for him and how much he means to me.”
♥–> “I can do everything through him, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13-”
♥–> “Feel free to expand on the prayers below. These are short prayers for my boyfriend. You can use them as a diving board to spring you into a longer, deeper prayer time. Use them as a way to teach you how to pray for your boyfriend.”
♥–> “Your word says that we can do all things through you, Lord. We acknowledge that you are the God of all possibilities. Today, I choose to believe that you are going to move greatly through my boyfriend. I trust you for his financial revival and the supply of peace in his life. Surround him with your goodness and connect him to the people who will fuel his purpose. Amen. I pray this believing and trusting.”
♥–> “May the Lord pave the way for you, and where your mate is fighting for greatness, may you walk easily and receive it. I pray that God leads you to success for the rest of your life.”
♥–> “I pray you to make a powerful connection that allows you to stand among kings and queens. Every eye will see your blessing, and I pray that every ear will hear God’s greatness in your life. My King, I love you completely.”
♥–> “Please soften his heart towards me and give me the strength to forgive him for anything he may have done wrong. Most of all, dear Lord, please keep him safe and protect him from any harm that may come his way. In your name, I pray, Amen.”
Prayers For Love
♥–> “If you find these messages, wishes, quotes & Poems useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.”
♥–> “My sunshine, I pray that whatever stands in your way of reaching greater heights never comes your way and that the good God speaks to you in places where you are not present.”
♥–> “I pray that your star will shine brightly, allowing the entire world to see and feel God’s goodness in your life. May you never lose sight of the light in your life. I pray for you to have the best success.”
♥–> “May your day be filled with a lot of God’s brightness, and may your path lead to success, just like the morning fragrant. I wish you the best of luck today and always.”
♥–> “I pray for God’s goodness in your life, and whatever comes out of your mouth today will be pleasing. May success always come your way.”
♥–> “I pray that whatever stands in your way of reaching greater heights never comes your way and that the good God speaks for you in places where you are not present, My sunshine.”
♥–> “Every tongue that speaks ill of you will be condemned, and every heart that harbors malice toward you will perish. I pray you the best success in everything you do. I love you and wish you the best of success.”
♥–> “Lord, I pray that you will heal both of our broken hearts. I know it is not my time to move on, but please give me the strength and courage I need during this tough season.”
♥–> “My love, May never be a burden to anyone in your life, but a blessing to others.”
♥–> “In Jesus’ name, the devil shall not steal, kill, or destroy your joy. May you enjoy the abundant life of Christ till the end of time. I love you, sweetie.”
♥–> “Dear Lord, do not forsake the love of my life at this time in his life. Be there for him. We wipe away his many tears. Make him perfect and he’ll be truly happy again. Put an end to the reason behind his pain and suffering. I pray in Jesus’ name.”
♥–> “I pray that your star will shine brightly, allowing the entire world to see and feel God’s goodness in your life. May you never lose sight of the light in your life. I pray you to have the best success.”
♥–> “I speak into your life as a prophet. My love, I pray that you will excel beyond human imagination, that you will find success from all corners of the globe, and that you will never know evil for the rest of your life.”
♥–> “There is an abundance of joy and everlasting greatness in the presence of the Almighty. Today I place you in God’s presence, and as the child of God that you are, I wish you a prosperous life, My king.”
♥–> “I commit you to the Lord’s hands, and whatever you put your hands to from now on, may it be fruitful. May your light shine brightly and success finds you. I’m in love with you.”
♥–> “Before you, every mountain will be made plain. May the Lord solve the puzzles of your life and give you the wisdom to live. The purpose of your life shall be celebrated, and your calling shall be appreciated. May your peace last you till eternity. I pray this for you, my love.”
Prayer For Boyfriend Success
♥–> “Dear God, please help me show ______ just how much he means to me today. Help us both have an amazing day filled with lots of joy!”
♥–> “Thank you, Lord, for giving _____ into our lives! We are so grateful for all the happiness you continue to shower on us every single day. Thank you for being there when needed most and thank you, Lord, always.”
♥–> “The Lord’s blessings will not depart from your path, the world’s success will be filled in your life, and you will never experience sorrow in your endeavors starting today. May you be successful in your endeavors.”
♥–> “I pray you never have to work too hard to achieve success. I pray that whatever your mate works hard for, you will be able to obtain it quickly. God’s grace is the source of your success.”
♥–> “May your life and greatness be renewed as the day begins anew. God will write a new chapter in your life’s success story, and whatever you come into contact with will serve as a source of greatness in your life.”
♥–> “I pray to God to give you the strength to face your daily responsibilities, and I pray to the Almighty to bless the work you do with success and prosperity. I wish you the best of luck now and in the future.”
♥–> “Father God, thank you so much for blessing me with someone who gives me strength during difficult times and makes me laugh during happy moments. _____, I love you so much! Please continue to shower him with all of the good things in life and keep us together through anything that comes our way!”
♥–> “Dear Lord, as I start my day please be with my boyfriend _____. Help him through any challenges he may face today and let him know how much I love and support him. Amen.”
♥–> “I wish you Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding so that you can face your daily tasks with success, and I pray that whatever you set your heart to will succeed. My King, I wish you great success.”
♥–> “I pray that God will keep an eye on you throughout your life and that you will never be found wanting in a great personal relationship. May you be referred to as great by both the young and the old. Sweetheart, I love you.”
♥–> “My prayer for my beautiful _____ is that he has a wonderful day full of your grace, love, and happiness. Surround him with people who will care for him and help guide his path in the right direction. May he feel loved by you throughout his day.”
How Should I pray for My Man?
♥–> “Prayer to Be Secure, Lord, My High Tower, I intercede for my boyfriend. Please help him to be secure. First, I ask that he be secure in his faith, without any doubt about your goodness or your salvation. I ask that he be secure in his job without fear of being laid off. May he be secure in our relationship and know how much he is loved. I pray that he will be secure and at ease with himself. Help him be confident in the abilities you have given him. Amen.”
♥–> “The Lord Jesus Christ, I lift my boyfriend’s family to you. I ask that you bless his parents and siblings. Give them the grace they need and protect them from harm. I also ask the Lord that you would bless my boyfriend’s relationship with them and that it would be healthy and full of your love. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.”
♥–> “Lord, if you keep a record of our irrational behavior and sinful ways, no one can ever get an answer to their prayers. But in your mercy, you’ve taken it upon yourself to forgive us completely. You knew of my boyfriend’s condition before I started calling on you for help. You have seen how helpless he is now; it will take you to make him whole again. Father, hurry to his side and give him the strength to get up from his sickbed and onto his feet. Give us a miracle, so that the naysayers will be silenced. Amen.”
♥–> “Please, Father, give my husband the ability to be the best husband and father he can be. Give him the wisdom, patience, and thoughtfulness he needs to run a household and care for his loved ones. Adjust his priorities and instill in him the belief that his family is the most important aspect of his life. Please, Lord, stir his mind away from the distractions of work, habits, and strange women and keep the thoughts for the good of the family constant in his mind. Allow him to continue to collaborate with me to preserve this family’s peace and comfort. Lord, grant him the ability to give generously to his family.”
♥–> “Dear Lord Father, With all sincerity and love in my heart, I pray for my man to continue to prosper and excel. I pray that the fruits of his labor will bear fruit and that he will not be embarrassed. I pray, O Lord that you bestow abundant success upon him and fill his days with joy and contentment. I pray for him that his hands’ work is imbued with integrity and that his heart is set on honesty. I pray that my man never goes hungry and that he always has enough to feed himself and his family, Lord.”
♥–> “Dear Father, I fervently pray that you guide a man’s heart toward genuine love for you and me. Teach him to love me as you have loved the Lord, unconditionally and without reservation. Allow no uncleanliness to enter his heart and direct it toward what is just, holy, and pure. Teach him to keep his focus on godliness and divine purpose, and remove any evil thoughts from his heart. Please, Lord, grant him a heart that recognizes you as the Lord and Lord, and is his shield and sufficiency forever.”
♥–> “Dear Father, I pray for my man’s safety and security. Please, Lord, keep him safe every day under your watchful eye and never let him stray from your sight. Please, Lord, give your Angels charge of him and never allow him to fall prey to the enemy, as you promised in your words. Oh Lord, we have no faith in the world’s security and safety, but we have complete faith in the protection you provide, oh Lord. Never let me cry over my man or be concerned about his health. Continue to be a shield and a fortress for him, Lord, and make him feel safe in your care.”
♥–> “Prayer for Prosperity Let God, our way-maker, pour out the blessing of prosperity on my boyfriend. May he thrive in all areas of his life. Make him successful in his relationships and his career. May he overflow with happiness and satisfaction with his life. May he grow spiritually into a great man of faith. May he enjoy prosperous health. Bless him with financial wealth as he applies wisdom in his investments and uses him to be a blessing to your church and those in need. Amen.”
♥–> “Prayer for Plans and Goals God, Like the Ancient of Days, as my boyfriend is considering his future, may he seek out your priorities and your destiny for him. May his plans and objectives coincide with your perfect will for his life. Guide him, Lord, and bless his future. Establish his plans as he commits himself on his way to you. Give him the desires of his heart as he delights in you. May he persevere in his goals and be rewarded for his work. Amen.”
♥–> “Prayer Point: Knowing what God has called you to is important. If your boyfriend is unsure of what to do with his life, Pray for him to find direction and purpose.”
♥–> “Dear Lord, I pray that you grant my darling the courage to mature in character and confront past bad habits and actions. Father, give him the perseverance to put the scars of the past behind him and focus on the future you have planned for him. Lord, take his mind off the failures and disappointments of the past years and allow him to focus his strength on preparing a better and brighter future for himself and those around him. Allow him to know that he has a glorious and purposeful future in you, Lord.”
♥–> “Prayer Point: Success can be measured in many ways, but a key factor is having open doors, favor, and grace. Pray for your boyfriend to have those things and that God will bless him with success in whatever he puts his hands to.”
♥–> “Dear Father, I pray for my man’s safety and security. Please, Lord, keep him safe every day under your watchful eye and never let him stray from your sight. Please, Lord, give your angels charge of him and never allow him to fall prey to the enemy, as you promised in your words. Oh Lord, we have no faith in the world’s security and safety, but we have complete faith in the protection you provide, Oh Lord. Never let me cry over my man or be concerned about his health. Continue to be a shield and a fortress for him, Lord, and make him feel safe in your care.”
♥–> “Prayer for the Spirit of Thanksgiving: Father God, the just and mighty One, I pray that my boyfriend will live in a spirit of thanksgiving. May he have an attitude of thankfulness for all the blessings you have poured out on him. May he be grateful for what others do for him as well. Help him reject the spirit of grumbling, which leads to foolish thinking and a darkened heart. Concentrate his thoughts on your goodness and your steadfast love. Build his faith as he remembers and as he thanks you for all the ways you care for him. Amen.”
♥–> “Dear Lord! I just wanted to express my gratitude to my man and everything you’ve done to bring us together. Thank you, Lord, for our shared love and companionship. I am grateful for our genuine love for one another. Lord, thank you above all for bringing our paths together and allowing us to share the perfect love and harmony that you have endorsed. Please continue to pour love, compassion, and care into a man’s heart. Remove all distractions and worldly cares from his life and allow him to concentrate on what matters.”
♥–> “Dear Lord! I pray for my man’s strength and courage. I pray that he maintains the willpower and divine ability to face the world and withstand the enemy’s and the evil ones’ schemes. He will not succumb to the devil’s schemes, nor will he allow darkness to rule his life. I pray that you continue to keep him in good health, strength, and mental well-being. Please keep his heart from wandering and allow him to keep his gaze fixed on your plan for him and his desires.”
♥–> “Dear Lord! I pray for my man and the people he associates with. I pray that he is constantly reminded to only walk and associate with those who remind him of your love and commandments. Please, Lord, keep him away from the wrong group of friends and place him in the company of those who will help him achieve his dreams, goals, and ambitions. He will not be deceived or seduced by the wrong people, and his communication will be seasoned, godly, and worthy of emulation at all times. Oh Lord, separate him from the wrong crowd if necessary, and teach him to value only the essence of kingdom friendship.”
♥–> “Dear Lord! I fervently pray that you bestow upon my man an excellent leadership spirit. Allow him to continue to lead his life and those around him with wisdom. Oh Lord, help him develop a single character and maintain focus. Empower him with divine leadership skills and assist him in living a selfless life of service to you, Lord, and his fellow man. Give him the discipline, grace, and strength to foster godly relationships in the home, community, and the Lord’s house by excelling in humility and lowliness of heart.”
♥–> “Dear Lord! I pray that you grant my darling the courage to mature in character and confront past bad habits and actions. Father, give him the perseverance to put the scars of the past behind him and focus on the future you have planned for him. Lord, take his mind off the failures and disappointments of the past years and allow him to focus his strength on preparing a better and brighter future for himself and those around him. Allow him to know that he has a glorious and purposeful future in you, Lord.”
♥–> “As my boyfriend embarks on this journey, grant him safety. Protect him from the evil ones. He shall not experience an accident. Direct his steps. Be a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. He’ll go away safely and come back in peace.”
♥–> “Every nightmare disturbing the tranquillity of my boyfriend shall be brought to an end at this moment and forevermore. He shall begin to sleep in peace and wake up in joy. When he sleeps, he shall be surrounded by the angels of the living God.”
Boyfriend Images
Here are a few lovely prayer messages that are sure to please his heart:
♥–> “My majesty, I pray for God’s protection over you and your life. I wish you all the happiness in the world for the rest of your life, my lover.”
♥–> “I pray that we pray for greatness in life that the doors of blessing and success open for us.”
♥–> “Happiness and prosperity are my wishes for you, and I pray that God grants you all of your heart’s desires. By God’s grace, everything good you desire will come to you without stress. I’m in love with you.”
♥–> “You have brought joy to me and my world, and I pray that God Almighty never takes your joy away from you. I wish you joy and success for the rest of your life.”
♥–> “When you give happiness to others, the almighty returns it to you in the form of everlasting happiness. I pray to God that the coming year will be even better than the previous one, My King.”
♥–> “I pray that God will direct your steps as you leave and enter. I pray you never have to deal with any problems in your life until the end of your time.”
♥–> “May God bless you abundantly and bless your hands. My Love, God’s miracle will never leave your life. I pray we can share the joys of life.”
♥–> “I pray that you will be able to stand in front of kings and queens. May you be blessed by a mighty and blessed personality. Where your friend grumbles, may you triumph. My king, I love you.”
♥–> “The world will bow at your feet, and wherever you go, sweetheart, you will see and experience the mighty God’s work in your life. Whatever brings you life will never bring you sorrow.”
Final Thoughts on Prayer for Boyfriend
Prayer of the Day: “Lord, it’s high time you brought the dreams and ambitions of my boyfriend to pass.” Prayers for My Boyfriend: Do not forsake the love of my life at this time in his life. Be there for him. Make him perfect and he’ll be truly happy again. Prayer for My Love: “May you never be a burden to anyone in your life, but a blessing to others.” Life necessitates a great deal of sacrifice for us to explore the world. Life is one of the most significant sacrifices we make to make our lives worthwhile. God is regarded as the best listener in life. Prayer has a way of traveling far and wide, and the way our wishes are granted after speaking with God appears miraculous. Aside from talking to God, we have a second God in the form of our thoughts and desires. Nature has a way of drawing our attention to reality. Try our morning prayers for him, prayer for a boyfriend, praying for my love, a blessing for love.
Praying for your boyfriend is one of the most beneficial things you can do for him; men feel blessed when they have a praying girlfriend, and most of the time, our wishes for our lovers come true because our hearts seem to be very connected to the person we share the love with.
When they receive a prayer message or a well-wish message from the person they truly love, they often feel blessed. You can make your man happy in a variety of ways, including sending him love messages. You can also wake him up in the morning with lovely and heartfelt prayer messages, which he will certainly appreciate. Make it clear to your man that you sincerely wish him luck and pray for his success.