50 Hilarious When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes

Hilarious Quotes About Truth: You’ll certainly smile when someone is lying and you know the truth. Here’s the best when someone is lying and you know the truth quotes, images, and status. We have rounded up the best collection of when someone is lying and you know the truth quotes, sayings, captions, (with images and collection) to inspire you to face and accept the truth.

Looking for sayings that indicate when someone is lying? To encourage you to confront and accept the truth, we have compiled the best collection of when someone is lying and you know the truth quotes, sayings, captions, and images.

Hilarious When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes

Being lied to when you already know the truth is the most frustrating thing ever. However, in some challenging circumstances, a small falsehood could be necessary. However, persistent liars make it difficult to trust them because they fabricate lies on a regular basis.

Many of these quotations are ironic, humorous, depressing, and hurtful and will describe your actual feelings after being deceived.

When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes

1. “If you don’t want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today. – Bruce Lee.”

2. “Don’t lie to me unless you are absolutely sure that I will never find the truth.” – Ashleigh Brilliant

3. “The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth.” ― Turcois Ominek

What to say when you know someones lying and Truth Quotes
What to say when you know someones lying and Truth Quotes

4. “Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’.– Kahlil Gibran.”

5. “You know the truth, I know the truth. That’s enough for YOU to either be Guilty OR Shameless. The world is not a concern. – R.R Pithadia”

6. “Want to know if someone is lying? Watch their eyes. People who are lying often close their eyes for more than a second. – Barrie Davenport”

7. “Don’t think I won’t know if you’re lying; I know how many bases you’ve been on, you red-headed puritan. I will be able to tell fact from fiction. – Quinn Loftis”

8. “The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.”

9. “If you want to know if someone is lying to you, start by living a truthful life. Once you live in the truth, you will not be easily deceived. – Molly Friederfeld”

Quotes On Truth Lies Deception And Being Honest and Pictures
Quotes On Truth Lies Deception And Being Honest and Pictures

10. “It’s not the lies that bother me, it is the insult to my intelligence that I find offensive.”

11. “The awkward moment, when you know the truth, and they still continue to lie.”

12. “I know you are lying to me, but I am not showing up to you. – Riya Sera”

13. “Don’t underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.”

14. “Straightforward people always stand by the truth.”

15. “Once a liar, always a liar.”

16. “It hurts the most when you know the truth already and that person who’s very close to you keeps telling lie to you.”

17. “The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the honesty. ― Turcois Ominek”

When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes and Images
When Someone Is Lying And You Know The Truth Quotes and Images

18. “There’s something so humiliating about being lied to when you know the truth. It’s like pretending the emperor is wearing clothes when it’s so clear he is not. – Barrie Davenport”

19. “The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth. – Gaskins Jnr”

20. “Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you just smile and let it go.”

21. “Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie. – Erza Scarlet”

22. “Of backstabbers. They lie to your face and never change their story even when you have the evidence.”

23. “It su*ks to be the friend that is always lied to.”

24. “I don’t understand how a person can tell you so many lies and never feel bad about it.”

25. “People can choose between the sweet lie or the bitter truth. I say the bitter truth, but many people don’t want to hear it.” – Lieberman

26. “I hate being lied straight to my face when I know every bit of the truth.” – Anonymous

27. “Don’t lie to me unless you are sure that I will never find the truth. – Ashleigh Brilliant.”

28. “Do you want to catch a liar in the act? Ask a question you already have the answer to.”

29. “You lied to me because you don’t respect me enough, to be honest. I know you.”

30. “When fake friends cheat with your name, not knowing, they look ridiculous.”

31. “Most people recognize a lie when you tell it. And even if they’re not sure, you’ve left a residue of doubt and mistrust. – Barrie Davenport”

32. “Sometimes you just have to listen to the lies even though you know the truth.” – Brunda Kale

33. “Gaslighters are habitual liars. All should ignore them.”

34. “I’m not upset that you lied to me; I’m upset that I can’t believe you from now on. – Friedrich Nietzsche”

35. “You know the truth, I know the truth. That’s enough for YOU to either be Guilty OR Shameless. The world is not a concern.” – R.R Pithadia

36. “Half a truth is often a great lie. – Benjamin Franklin.”

37. “One lie spoils a thousand truths and your image too. Don’t lie”

38. “I don’t know about you, but I can tell when someone’s lying. They can’t look you in the eye – they look you in the bridge of your nose. — Michael Musto”

39. “My favourite pastime is listening to lies when I know the real story.”

40. “I wouldn’t say I like it when people I love lie to me—making me look like a fool.”

41. “Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie. -Roger Ebert”

42. “Don’t ever lie to me, then come hang out with me. Doesn’t work like that.”

43. “How funny it is that they will lie to your face and think you’re too stupid not to know the difference.”

44. “Three things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, and honesty.”

45. “You’re not sorry you did it. You’re just sorry I found out.”

46. “Lies don’t end relationships of any kind; the truth does.”

47. “Gaslighting are lies with a purpose to confuse and control. – Tracy Malone”

48. “I’m hawk-eyed. I notice more than you realize. Never lie to me”

49. “Denying the truth doesn’t change the facts.”

50. “I know you’re lying but continue.”

Dealing with people who are continually spreading misinformation is embarrassing. You can share “when someone is lying and you know the truth quotes” on your WhatsApp status, Instagram Story, or any other social media site to spread the word about how annoying dealing with liars is.

Being honest will always come to your aid. Continue to share quotes about lying and truth with those in your circle if you want to inspire them to live honestly. As liars never want to be discovered, this might discourage someone from lying. Get rid of liars so that you can surround yourself with more honest people.

Nothing is funnier or more awkward than discovering a person you admire is lying while you are aware of the truth. You gain the upper hand and can honestly guess what they’re up to, yet you still choose to maintain your composure. The finest quotes regarding lying and the truth are collected below.

A stranger’s falsehood might not hurt all that much. A falsehood from a friend, though, hurts like a knife in the back. Start sharing statements about the reality of life if you’re not sure how to tell your buddies to quit lying. They will learn about the modifications and the message in some way.

At some point in their lives, everyone has been the victim of lying. The significance of one’s annoyance depends on how big deception is. Speaking about lying and telling the truth, many famous people and historical figures have done so. Even now, young children are taught the value of telling the truth and how to reject people who enjoy lying using their words of wisdom.

Lies never lead to anything positive. Let others know you are an honest person because lying just damages your reputation. By randomly disseminating the aforementioned “when someone is lying and you know the truth phrases,” you can help alter people’s perceptions of deception. You can never be sure who will get the message. You might be rescuing a habitual liar from their own lies.

In relationships, one individual frequently lies to you or cheats on you. However, there are situations when you already know the truth but still decide to keep quiet to watch how low the other person will go.

Since honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship when someone is lying and you know the truth quotes raise awareness about the negative impacts of telling falsehoods in a relationship. According to a proverb, “It’s far preferable to hurt me with the truth than to console me with lies.”

You feel a great deal of bitterness, wrath, hurt, and despair if your partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend betrays you, tells lies to you, or cheats on you.

It hurts and irritates all at once to be lied to. Being able to trust your partner again is challenging since lying destroys relationships. Being sly, dishonest, or false will ultimately end your relationship.

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